SAC2000 Technical Program (August 14-15 / 2000)
8:50-9:00 Opening Remarks and Welcome
9:00-10:15 Cryptanalysis I
M. Zhang, C. Carroll and A. Chan, "Analysis of IS-95 CDMA Voice Privacy".
D. McGrew and S. Fluhrer, "Attacks on Additive Encryption of Redundant
Plaintext and Implications on Internet Security".
A. Youssef, "Cryptanalysis of the "Augmented Family of Cryptographic
Parity Circuits" proposed at ISW '97".
10:40-12:20 Block Ciphers - New Designs
K. Aoki, T. Ichikawa, M. Kanda, M. Matsui, S. Moriai, J. Nakajima and T.
Tokita, "Camellia: A 128-Bit Block Cipher Suitable for Multiple Platforms"
P. Nguyen and S. Vaudenay, "DFCv2".
K. Ohkuma, H. Muratani, F. Sano and S. Kawamura, "The Block Cipher
V. Canda, T. van Trung, S. Magliveras and T. Horvath, "Symmetric
Block Ciphers Based on Group Bases".
1:40-2:30 Elliptic Curves and Efficient Implementations
C. Gunther, T. Lange and A. Stein, "Speeding up the Arithmetic
on Koblitz Curves of Genus Two".
H. Wu, "On Complexity of Polynomial Basis Squaring in F2m".
2:30-3:30 Invited talk I D. Boneh, Stanford
U. (U.S.A.), "Message Authentication in a Multicast Environment"
3:55-5:10 Security Protocols and Applications
C. Blundo, A. De Bonis, B. Masucci and D. Stinson, "Dynamic
Multi-Threshold Metering Schemes".
F. Bergadano, D. Cavagnino and B. Crispo, "Chained
Stream Authentication".
C. Adams and R. Zuccherato, "A Global PMI
for Electronic Content Distribution".
Day 2 ------------------
9:00-10:15 Block Ciphers and Hash Functions
J. Pliam, "A Polynomial-Time Universal Security Amplifier in
the Class of Block Ciphers".
S. Vaudenay, "Decorrelation over Infinite Domains: the Encrypted CBC-MAC
N. Park, J. Hwang and P. Lee, "HAS-V: A New Hash Function with Variable
Output Length".
10:40-12:20 Boolean Functions and Stream Ciphers
G. Gong and A. Youssef, "On Welch-Gong Transformation Sequence Generators".
J. Golic, "Modes of Use of Stream Ciphers".
L. Simpson, E. Dawson, J. Golic and W. Millan, "LILI Keystream Generator".
Y. Zheng and X.-M. Zhang, "Improving Upper Bound on Nonlinearity of High
Order Correlation Immune Functions".
1:40-2:30 Public Key Systems
D. Huhnlein, M. Jacobson, Jr. and D. Weber, "Towards
Practical Non-interactive Public Key Cryptosystems using Non-maximal
Imaginary Quadratic Orders".
D. Huhnlein and S. Paulus, "On the Implementation of Cryptosystems
Based on Real Quadratic Number Fields".
2:30-3:30 Invited Talk II M. Bellare, UCSD (U.S.A) ,"The Provable-Security
Approach to Authenticated Session-key Exchange"
3:55-5:10 Cryptanalysis II
K. Kurosawa, T. Iwata and V. Quang, "Root Finding Interpolation
H. Seki and T. Kaneko, "Differential Cryptanalysis of Reduced Rounds of
M. Kanda, "Practical Security Evaluation against Differential and Linear
Attacks for Feistel Ciphers with SPN Round Function".