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Selected Areas in Cryptography 2024
Université de Québec à Montréal
August 26–30, 2024
Montréal, Québec


The cost to attend the Selected Areas in Cryptography (SAC) Summer School (August 26-27, 2024) is:


The registration cost for the summer school includes the summer school itself as well as coffee breaks and lunch on Monday and Tuesday. All the costs are in Canadian Dollars but the TVQ (9.975%) and the TPS (6.5%) will be added to this price at payment time.

The cost to attend the SAC main conference (August 28-30, 2024) is:


The registration cost for the SAC main conference includes the conference itself, coffee breaks, a reception and a dinner on Thursday evening. All the costs are in Canadian Dollars but the TVQ (9.975%) and the TPS (6.5%) will be added to this price at payment time.